Green Approach
Our goal is being always a step ahead
Complying with standards is not enough. The evolution we need today requires a more advanced way of thinking about the environment and about industrial activities: a real revolution in the organization of production facilities and residential buildings. Our lives are literally at stake. Immergas firmly believes in this need and it is so committed to search for new solutions that it has developed a more evolved business philosophy: the “Green Approach”.
The University of Pisa and our research
The objective is to apply no pre-set solutions, but to deal with every new project by setting ambitious goals from the very beginning: reducing waste, energy loss and harmful emissions. Thanks to the fundamental cooperation with the University of Pisa, professors, researchers and students collaborate with us to evolve our research more rapidly and reach increasingly advanced results.
Starting from photovoltaic
For example, on the roofs of Immergas’ plants, a quiet and efficient large photovoltaic system of 4 thousand panels is operating since 2011. The new expansion has reduced the overall power usage, with production reaching almost the entire amount of energy needed for the company’s production processes. A robust daily contribution to limiting consumption and emission of greenhouse gases.