New Technologies
The best systems for you and for the environment
Striving for a cleaner environment is an obligation everyone has. At Immergas, we are so convinced of this that we were the first in condensing technology and the industry leaders in Italy with more than a million boilers installed.
Today our brand specializes in hybrid system, also offering the best in no-gas systems with very low harmful emissions.
Renewable energy sources, for everyone.
Immergas has a complete range of units to suit any situation.
Hybrid systems
The systems that can choose.
Our hybrid solutions are ideal for heating, cooling and producing domestic hot water using renewable energy sources.
They combine low-consumption condensing boilers, solar panels and heat pumps with the possibility of adding photovoltaic panels to further reduce power consumption and achieve maximum savings.
The heart of the system is an intelligent control unit that chooses the most cost-effective energy source at any particular time to ensure maximum comfort in any weather condition.
To find out more about Immergas hybrid systems, click here.

NO-GAS Systems
Renewable energy at its maximum.
Immergas no-gas systems offer highly ecological solutions with extremely low environmental impact. They combine heat pumps, solar and photovoltaic heating to eliminate gas consumption, reduce the environmental impact to a minimum to improve the energy class of buildings. Now we can produce hot water, heat and cool the home, with nature.