The recovery plan from the emergency caused by the overflowing of the Enza stream proceeds at accelerated pace. «We are winning this challenge, as proved by the shipment of the first boiler» says Chairman Alfredo Amadei.
Brescello 12 January 2018 - The first boiler shipped from the Lentigione’s plant is an Immergas Victrix Exa boiler.
«This is an important signal, just a month after the devastating flood of the Enza stream that invaded the Immergas plant – says Alfredo Amadei, Immergas Chairman - This is the concrete evidence of the continuous progress that, day after day, clearly reveals the amount of work done and the substantial investments underway to return to normal production as soon as possible. For the 13 assembly lines in Lentigione the restoration works will take some more weeks, also thanks to the work done by specialized companies. While the restoration in the mechanical processing departments has already progressed, further and many functions will be operational again in the matter of a few weeks. We want to thank, in addition to the employees who are showing a profound dedication to the company, the suppliers and the entire pre- and post-sale network that brings the Immergas brand to Italy and worldwide. To them we guarantee our utmost commitment in meeting the requests coming from installers and final users».
«Our commitment now is totally focused on resuming production and work for all the employees. Shipping boilers and other Immergas products is certainly an extremely important step forward. We will need some months before returning to full operation - concludes Alessandro Carra, Immergas Vice Chairman – but the plan to reactivate all the functions is proceeding at good pace, also thanks to the choice made by Immergas many years now, to have its in-house team of engineers and technicians, coordinated by Mr. Giuseppe Miele, who design and build the production lines. The plan of restarting essential services such as shipping of parts, in Italy and abroad, technical and commercial consulting services has yielded good results and the Poprad plant in Slovakia, which is connected to the Brescello plant via an IT system that had been blocked by the flood, is now operational. The warehouses are operational both in receiving raw materials and semi-finished products as well as shipping the finished products. Within four weeks of the flood of the Enza stream that filled with mud our entire production unit, we are in the position of planning our subsequent steps and confirm in full all the investments and objectives scheduled for 2018 and all the development activities both on the foreign markets as well as domestically».