
Andrej Kiska, President of the Slovak Republic and President of the European Council in the current semester, together with the new Chairman of Immergas, Alfredo Amadei, have officially inaugurated the new production line of Victrix Exa boilers, which are designed to meet European regulations for improved sustainability and energy saving. An amount exceeding 1 million Euro has been invested in the Poprad factory, consolidating the role of the Italian company in an area of development that is strategic for global competitiveness.


Brescello 23 September 2016 - Andrej Kiska, President of the Slovak Republic and President of the European Council in the current semester, together with the new Chairman of Immergas, Alfredo Amadei, have officially inaugurated the new production line of Victrix Exa boilers, which are designed to meet European regulations for improved sustainability and energy saving. An amount exceeding 1 million Euro has been invested in the Poprad factory, consolidating the role of the Italian company in an area of development that is strategic for global competitiveness.

«Occasions such as this, investments such as this - said the President of the Slovak Republic and President-in-office of the European Council Andrej Kiska - open the doors to our common future. I am proud to see that the efforts of the Slovak workers who have participated and participate in the development of Immergas have been rewarded. I am proud to see an Italian company that believes in our growth potential». «The inauguration of this production line in Poprad – added the new new Chairman of Immergas Alfredo Amadei – follows in the direction taken in 2014 with the implementation of the new automated lines to improve quality and safety in the main Brescello (Reggio Emilia) factory. We are investing with an eye to the future. In our headquarters, we are setting up the new research and development centre, but the decision to produce the new Victrix Exa boilers for the global market in Poprad is an important event, a strategic choice. These investments will give Immergas Europe the possibility of consolidating its positive business development trend in the various markets where it operates».

In addition to the new Victrix Exa boiler production line, the development of the Immergas Europe plant in Poprad features improved logistics premises, expanding the total area from the 6800 square metres of 2008 to 15300 square metres. New offices, a staff canteen and other services have been created and will soon be available to everybody.

«We have built the factory from scratch in a record time – points out the Managing Director of Immergas Europe, Leonardo Perla – from 2006 to June 2008, when the first boiler came out, and this year, in a few months, we have substantially improved the production area, the offices and optimised inbound and outbound logistics. More importantly, before the construction we have built a team made of people and today this team has proved to be a winning one». The new production line set up by Immergas's Engineering team with the support of Slovak companies, uses advanced technology developed on the basis of the experience acquired by Immergas in the production plant of Brescello (Italia).

In eight years, the number of people employed by Immergas Europe has increased from 43 to 83 and in the same period of time the turnover has grown from 17.9 to 39.9 million Euro.

In Slovakia, Immergas has always found an "investor friendly" environment, based on a positive, constructive dialogue with local authorities, who were present at the event for the official opening of the new production line. This competitive plus has definitely contributed to the takeoff of this new project and opens the door to future collaborations. Alexander Resch, Chairman of the Italian-Slovak Chamber of Commerce (chairman and CEO of VUB Banka - Intesa San Paolo), which is based in Bratislava, also highlighted the value of Italy's industrial presence in Slovakia: «a country that continues to provide a great opportunity for growth».

The mayor of Poprad, Jozef Svagerko, thanked Immergas and its entire staff: «seeing Italian and Slovakian people working together and managing to set up a successful company in just eight years gives reason for great optimism. Immergas is for us a stable, solid presence and this investment confirms it».

It is an important sign of collaboration between Italy and Slovakia in the year when our country takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Council for the first time.



Notizie correlate

Immergas Europe has won the award for Best Italian Company in Slovakia 2022.

Over the course of fourteen years, revenue has increased from 5.8 to 68 million Euro, headcount has grown from 45 to 130 and the company plans to invest to improve sustainability and production capacity for new HVAC systems. 

In its 50 year anniversary, Immergas inaugurated its new production line in the Brescello plant, before a number of important dignitaries, starting with Graziano Delrio, the State Secretary to the Prime Minister.
