For 59 years, February 5 has been a special day for the Immergas family. It is on this date that the company was founded in Brescello. In 1964, Romano Amadei, Gianni Biacchi and Giuseppe Carra set up their first tiny enterprise in a small workshop, with the same spirit that today drives a family-run multinational company, with production plants in Italy, Slovakia, Iran and China, committed to the development of cutting-edge home climate solutions with a strong focus on sustainability, energy saving and empowerment of staff, now close to 1200 worldwide. Immergas is ready to launch a new investment plan for several million Euro, aimed at the development of new home climate systems, with the use of energy sources and increasingly advanced technological solutions, thanks also to the creation of a new research hub, which will develop the competencies and technology at the basis of the great changes occurring at a national, European and global level. «Thanks to a call for proposals launched by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the European Union» - comments the Chairman of Immergas Alfredo Amadei - «we have further stepped up our investment in research and are able to launch our first range of condensing boilers with Hydrogen Ready 20% certification. With a single product code, our VICTRIX SUPERIOR boilers can now run on methane, LPG, propane air and mixtures with up to 20% hydrogen. What’s more, over the period of time of this research, Immergas hired 28 new professionals, a larger number than the 20 required by the call».
The HyPOWERED project launched by Immergas in January 2020, had the objective of studying and developing a prototype for a new model of condensing boiler with low polluting emissions for home heating and domestic hot water. The overall investment was 1,200,500 Euro, partly funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region with resources for the call of proposals “Regional law No.14/2014, application for a grant for access to the regional settlement and development agreement - implementing Art.6 LR 14/2014 - Call for proposals 2019”.
As required by the regional call, the project envisaged collaboration with universities and research centres. During the research project, Immergas cooperated with the department of civil and industrial engineering of the University of Pisa (monitor Professor Chiara Galletti) and with MISTER Smart Innovation, an innovation centre and industrial research lab based in Bologna and accredited by the High Technology Network of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Completion of the HyPOWERED project, at the end of December 2022, will make it possible for Immergas to also actively participate in the trial launched by Hera in a neighbourhood of Castelfranco Emilia (Modena) testing the use of a percentage of hydrogen in the city gas distribution network managed by Inrete Distribuzione Energia, the company of the Hera group that handles distribution of natural gas and electricity.
«For nearly 60 years, we have been investing in processes and products» – comments the Chairman of Immergas Alfredo Amadei - «but on this special day, the 59th anniversary of Immergas, we want to thank the people who have turned these ideas and projects into reality. We have been following the fundamental ESG values (Environmental, Social and Governance Criteria) since the company was taking its first steps, when it had just a few dozen employees. As early as 2023, the investment plan will lead the group, which closed 2022 with a consolidated turnover exceeding that of 2021, towards the new frontiers that have also been outlined by the European Green New Deal, focusing on hybrid and no gas systems that enable the use of biogas and hydrogen, with specifically designed home climate solutions».