Immergas’ first boiler arrived in Slovakia in 1998. Today, also thanks to the Slovak Republic entry in the European Union (in 2004) and the development of the large Immergas Europe production plant in Poprad (since 2008), remarkable results have been achieved and Immergas has announced new investments in the sales network on the occasion of the dual anniversary: twenty-five years from the sales of the first boiler and twenty years from the creation of the Immergas branch in Trenčín.
«Towards the end of the '90s, Immergas decided to invest also in Eastern European markets» – said Massimo Maini Director of Immergas Foreign Subsidiaries – «a gradual entry into a market that offered growth opportunities, starting from the agreement with a local importer. Results have confirmed our forecasts and, to advance the commercial development of Immergas sales throughout Slovakia, Immerfin holding acquired 90% of the Slovak company in 2003. From then on, the branch headquartered in Trenčín has grown and today, also thanks to pre and post sales services in all of Slovakia, the market share has risen to 10% and will rise further in high-end segments because of its most innovative solutions geared towards sustainability and energy saving, topics that are gaining popularity in Slovakia».
About twenty people work at the Trenčín branch, which today has become the Commercial Business Unit of Immergas Europe and covers an area of 1,200 square metres. In 2018 Immerfin acquired all the company shares and for a few months now Martin Ilenčín is the new Manager of the Slovak team. He announced development plans on the occasion of the anniversary meeting: «We see new perspectives for growth in the coming years» – commented Martin Ilenčín - «thanks to the expanded range of products and to the renewable energy market. Our sales area includes the entire Slovak Republic, starting from the main cities with over 100K inhabitants: Bratislava (the capital), Košice, and Prešov as well as many towns where the market is appealing for the type of product Immergas brings to Slovakia (with about 6 million population) i.e. the top of the range with premium position thanks to the services provided: training with dedicated facility in Trenčín, assistance and consulting».
The Commercial Business Unit of Trenčín has reached 5.5 million Euro turnover.
Immergas Europe, the production plant of Poprad, is reaching 70 million Euro turnover and new investments oriented towards sustainability and enhancement of the production lines are underway also for the production plant.
With a global turnover of 555 million Euro (38.4% achieved in foreign markets), over 1,000 employees and production plants in Italy, China, Slovakia, and Iran, for many years now Immergas has been consistently achieving double-digit growth in its key indicators. With over 8 million boilers sold worldwide, the company has been maintaining profitability levels that enable significant investments both in Italy and abroad.
«As of today, over 60% of the equipment produced by the Immerfin group (Immergas and Alpha Heating Innovation) is sold abroad» - said Immerfin Chairman Alfredo Amadei who attended the dual anniversary - «but we are going to continue investing with determination to open new horizons of growth in all the areas where we brought our HVAC technologies. Immergas placed those technologies at the core of important investments. In fact, those solutions and moreover the technological proposals about to be implemented based on full use of green gases and hydrogen, will contribute to create a new reference model for the home system. Immergas is on the forefront of the development of solutions that can be implemented in the entire European Union».