Combined pump-circulated solar pack with 5 CP4 XL Flat-Plate Collectors and 750 litre Storage Tank Unit

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Technical data DOMESTIC SOL 750 V2

Code 3.027840
Number of collectors 5
Collector type CP4 XL Flat-Plate
Storage Tank Unit (litres) combined 750
Solar expansion vessel (litres) 80
Tank of premixed glycol (n°) 2 of 20 kg

Technical data DOMESTIC SOL 750 V2

Code 3.027840
Number of collectors 5
Collector type CP4 XL Flat-Plate
Storage Tank Unit (litres) combined 750
Solar expansion vessel (litres) 80
Tank of premixed glycol (n°) 2 of 20 kg


This solar pack, for the production of domestic hot water, includes as per standard:

  • 5 CP4 XL Flat-Plate Collectors (2,52 m2 of gross surface) complete with 2 aluminium support frames for two collectors each and one aluminium support frames for one collector, vertically installed 
  • Combined 750 litre Storage Tank Unit, insulated, for heating integration with a 28,5 litre immersed stainless steel coil for production of domestic hot water and solar integration coil. Supplied with connections for boiler and auxiliary heat generator (for example AUDAX heat pump). It's possible to mount directly on the storage tank the single pump station and the solar central unit .
    The use of this Storage Tank Unit involves the installation of an appropriately sized DHW expansion vessel and safety valve, not included in the supply.
  • Double low consumption pump station with safety valve 6 bar and flow rate regulator (2-15 l/min) and air separating device with relative connection kit
  • PRO Solar central unit with four temperature probes (Storage Tank Unit and Collector)
  • NTC probe for Immergas boiler connection < 35 kW
  • 80 litre expansion vessel with accessories
  • Complete hydraulic fittings for mounting the collector
  • ¾" adjustable thermostatic mixing valve
  • 2 tanks of 20 kg of premixed glycol
  • 12 brackets for slates and tiles for planar installation on sloped roofs with relative fixing accessories

2 plug kit for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.020364

The kit includes: 2 mechanical sealing plugs to close fittings not used by CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector.


3-way valve kit   Cod.3.020632


4 "L"-shaped brackets kit for slates/tiles on smooth roofs for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022776

The kit includes: 4 brackets.
It allows to fix the selector frame onto smooth roofs (for 1 collector). Always add the fixing element kit code 3.022922.

4 brackets kit for slates/tiles to be drilled for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.019105

The kit includes: 4 brackets.
It allows to fix the collector frame onto sloped roofs.
Always add the fixing element kit code 3.022922.

Basic free-standing 45° installation kit for 1 vertical CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022674

The kit includes: 4 profiles , 2 collector side fixing brackets.

Cover for CP4 XL Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.1.033271

Allows to cover the collector to guarantee its integrity until it is filled.

DN 16 steel pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.019125

The kit includes:
double DN 16 insulated 15 m long steel pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe.

DN 20 steel pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.020354

The kit includes:
double DN 20 insulated 15 m long steel pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe hydraulic fittings for connections.

Frame on tiles kit for 1 horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022749

The kit includes: 2 horizontal profiles.
(the profiles must be shortened when using CP4 M)

Free-standing 45° installation extension kit for vertical CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022677

The kit includes: 2 profiles , 1 fixing clamp with hole , 1 mounting template (to be removed after installation).

Free-standing 45° installation kit for 1 Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022750

The kit includes: 4 profiles, 2 collector side fixing brackets.
(the horizontal profiles must be shortened when using CP4 M)

Sanitary priority 3-way valve kit   Cod.3.020633


System filling pump station   Cod.3.018742

Ideal for correctly filling the forced circulation solar system with the waterglycol solution.

Vent kit and fitting for Ø 22 mm pipe for horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022849

This kit is used in applications with horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate.

¾" nut kit for DN 16 steel pipe   Cod.1.027255

For connection to solar collectors.

Ø 18 copper pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.019089

The kit includes:
double Ø 18 mm insulated 15 m long copper pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe.

This solar pack, for the production of domestic hot water, includes as per standard:

  • 5 CP4 XL Flat-Plate Collectors (2,52 m2 of gross surface) complete with 2 aluminium support frames for two collectors each and one aluminium support frames for one collector, vertically installed 
  • Combined 750 litre Storage Tank Unit, insulated, for heating integration with a 28,5 litre immersed stainless steel coil for production of domestic hot water and solar integration coil. Supplied with connections for boiler and auxiliary heat generator (for example AUDAX heat pump). It's possible to mount directly on the storage tank the single pump station and the solar central unit .
    The use of this Storage Tank Unit involves the installation of an appropriately sized DHW expansion vessel and safety valve, not included in the supply.
  • Double low consumption pump station with safety valve 6 bar and flow rate regulator (2-15 l/min) and air separating device with relative connection kit
  • PRO Solar central unit with four temperature probes (Storage Tank Unit and Collector)
  • NTC probe for Immergas boiler connection < 35 kW
  • 80 litre expansion vessel with accessories
  • Complete hydraulic fittings for mounting the collector
  • ¾" adjustable thermostatic mixing valve
  • 2 tanks of 20 kg of premixed glycol
  • 12 brackets for slates and tiles for planar installation on sloped roofs with relative fixing accessories

2 plug kit for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.020364

The kit includes: 2 mechanical sealing plugs to close fittings not used by CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector.


3-way valve kit   Cod.3.020632


4 "L"-shaped brackets kit for slates/tiles on smooth roofs for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022776

The kit includes: 4 brackets.
It allows to fix the selector frame onto smooth roofs (for 1 collector). Always add the fixing element kit code 3.022922.

4 brackets kit for slates/tiles to be drilled for CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.019105

The kit includes: 4 brackets.
It allows to fix the collector frame onto sloped roofs.
Always add the fixing element kit code 3.022922.

Basic free-standing 45° installation kit for 1 vertical CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022674

The kit includes: 4 profiles , 2 collector side fixing brackets.

Cover for CP4 XL Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.1.033271

Allows to cover the collector to guarantee its integrity until it is filled.

DN 16 steel pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.019125

The kit includes:
double DN 16 insulated 15 m long steel pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe.

DN 20 steel pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.020354

The kit includes:
double DN 20 insulated 15 m long steel pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe hydraulic fittings for connections.

Frame on tiles kit for 1 horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022749

The kit includes: 2 horizontal profiles.
(the profiles must be shortened when using CP4 M)

Free-standing 45° installation extension kit for vertical CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022677

The kit includes: 2 profiles , 1 fixing clamp with hole , 1 mounting template (to be removed after installation).

Free-standing 45° installation kit for 1 Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022750

The kit includes: 4 profiles, 2 collector side fixing brackets.
(the horizontal profiles must be shortened when using CP4 M)

Sanitary priority 3-way valve kit   Cod.3.020633


System filling pump station   Cod.3.018742

Ideal for correctly filling the forced circulation solar system with the waterglycol solution.

Vent kit and fitting for Ø 22 mm pipe for horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate Collector   Cod.3.022849

This kit is used in applications with horizontal CP4 XL/M Flat-Plate.

¾" nut kit for DN 16 steel pipe   Cod.1.027255

For connection to solar collectors.

Ø 18 copper pipe connection kit for collectors   Cod.3.019089

The kit includes:
double Ø 18 mm insulated 15 m long copper pipe integrated cable for solar collector temperature probe.

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